Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Wax Palm Country

If you are in Salento, you are without a doubt there to go to Valle de Cocoro.  Salento is nice enough, but as far as charming mountain towns go (you just heard me rave about that in my last post), Salento cannot hold a candle to some of Colombia’s more charming and quaint pueblos.

Valle de Cocoro is absolutely stunning though.  Its main draw are its world famous wax palm trees.  While wandering through an amazingly green valley that is so lush it looks as though it is a backdrop…as though you could reach out and poof! it could just disappear - you crane your neck up sky high to peer at the sixty foot tall wax palm trees.  They are a sight to see – the wax palms are so spindly, tall and skinny that it is a wonder they can even stand at all.

Because why wouldn't a Willy be popping willies in the town square?

1 comment:

  1. Love your updates. What beautiful scenery. Had lunch with your dad a couple times over the last couple of weeks. When are they coming to visit. Keep us informed. Love you lots. Aunt Debbra
